3D Printing Visualization Aids
How is 3D printing used for visualization aids?

It is far easier to communicate and interact with a physical model than a CAD image on a screen. 3D printing allows you to create physical models from CAD files to better enable communication and understanding.
Surgical Planning
See how the team at Jefferson Health is using 3D printers to help better plan complex surgeries and communicate with patients.
3D Printing in a Trauma Hospital
3D printing is becoming increasingly popular in the medical field. Not only does it allow doctors and surgeons to better understand the complexities of patients injuries, it can also allow them to better communicate how the team plans to correct it.

It's very easy to make 1 or 20 copies of the same model with 3D printing.

Low-cost models are a great method to aid teachers in many different fields to communicate complex concepts.

Docors can communicate more clearly with patients using a phyiscal model.

Once you have a digital model, you can distribute this to teams around the country, or around the world to be printed on their own machines locally.
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3D Printed Bone Models
Boyd Goldie, an orthopaedic surgeon working in a private hospital in London, treats patients that range from emergencies to non-emergency elective problems covering a whole host of upper limb surgery. To help him prepare for surgery, his radiographers take a CT scan of the patient’s problem and save the data to a CD for Dr Goldie to review. He can see a virtual 3D model of the bone on screen, but as he remarks, “There’s nothing like holding a model in your hands, thinking about where it is in the body and working out how you’re going to fix the problem.

The ability to easily convert data from medical imaging equipment to create phyisical models quickly and affordibly is now possible thanks to 3D printing. Contact us today to learn how we can help you realize the benefits of this technology in your business.